The World without Cloud Computing

In Today’s modern and digital world where we are entering in industry 4.0 revolution it’s hard to imagine to live without Cloud Computing, a large number of services like Google Maps, Translate, Netflix, and the like, would never have existed but for Cloud infrastructure. Your smartphone does not even have a fraction of the computing power to make, for example, Google Maps navigate you to your destination despite roadblocks, wrong turns and oversights. The smartphone only serves to display the results that are processed, simultaneously, by hundreds of powerful computers spread across different geographies. All these computers, so to speak, exist on the Cloud. By the way, most of the emerging technologies like AI, Blockchain, IOT cannot exist without the Cloud.

Cloud computing makes a lot of things possible, which were hitherto impossible, due to the instantaneous availability of a massive number of computers for any amount of time for a relatively small price. An old, but yet appropriate example of the capability of Cloud Computing is the following: in the early days of AWS, they were able to build a huge cluster to conduct a cancer drug simulation study for a drug company in 3 hours for about $13,000 which could have taken 36 months to do in the drug company’s data center costing them over $18 Million.

To go further into the virtues of Cloud computing here will not be needed since there is general consensus of its usefulness among almost everyone. Yet, it must be pointed out that companies which are still hesitant to move their computing and data to a Cloud service provider are risking going out of business due to the fact that a competitor, which has moved its computing and IT infrastructure management from an expensive and time-consuming in-house data center to a Cloud-based solution, saves millions of dollars every year apart from now being able to focus on its core business, rather than waste time managing complex computing infrastructure and hard-to-get technical personnel.

There are 5 services streams technology companies and individuals need to consider

  1. Cloud Adoption
  2. Cloud Implementation
  3. Cloud Migration
  4. Business Continuity and Resilience
  5. Modernization

1. Cloud adoption – Cloud adoption, security and governance consulting which will provide a comprehensive Cloud migration plan for any organization (government or business) after a 6-8 week in-depth analysis of the business.

2. Cloud Implementation – Help the customer choose the right cloud provider, negotiate with the cloud provider and get them the best terms and pricing, set up cloud environments, connectivity, and implement security and governance best practices.

3. Cloud Migration – Migrate all existing application, data and other assets to the cloud and get the client out of their data centers.

4. Business Continuity and Resilience – Ensure business as usual during and after the migration; monitor and fine tune application performance on an ongoing basis.

5. Modernization – Provide advice, guidance and implementation help to modernize the application customers use by building serverless cloud native applications as needed, containerizing other applications and adopting SaaS where possible.

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